THE MINUTES AND records of the old Macedonia Baptist church in Llano county, Texas, are found in an old church book which was brought from Missouri about the year 1833 by Rev. John Gibson and Rev. Reuben Gilmore Stone . The book is now in the possession of the writer, who was at one time a member of the Macedonia church.
The names first appearing on the church membership list are John Gibson, James Gibson, Ambrose Y. Stone, Reuben Gilmore Stone, John P. Robertson, James L. Robertson, Mary M. Gibson, Margaret Gibson, Sidney E. Stone, Celia Stone , Mary Davidson, Olivia Catherine Robertson and Abigail Robertson . The Constitution of the Friendship Baptist Church reads : "We, the above named members of the Cannon Church of the united Baptist order and faith, met at Brother John Stone's on the llth day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1845, in Pulaski county, on the waters of the Bag Maries, in the State of Missouri, having previously given ourselves to God and given ourselves to each other to live together in a church capacity to keep up a Godly discipline according to the rules of the Gospel, then proceeded to call on Brother John Chaudon with the help of the two brother Gibsons, all being present, to bring u s into a constitution, we the undersigned presbytery, after the nomination o f the above named members on the day and (late above named, read the articles of faith which was adopted b y the members present, and after prayer , pronounced them Church in the name of the Holy Trinity." John M. Chaudon, an ordained preacher, and the two brother Gibsons, James and John, both ordained deacons.
The articles of faith': "We believe in one true and ever living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and these three are one . "We believe the scriptures of the old and new Testament are the Word of God and the only true rule of faith and practice. We believe in election according t o the foreknowledge of God the Father , through sanctification of the spirit . We believe in the doctrine of original sin. "We believe that man is unable t o recover himself from that fallen stat e he is in and that sinners are justifie d in the sight of God by the impute d righteousness of Jesus Christ being imputed unto them . "We believe that if saints will per - severe in grace that none of these will perish . "We believe that baptism and the Lord 's Supper are ordinances of Jesus Christ and that true believers are the only subjects of them, and the true mode of baptism is immersion . "We believe in the resurrection o f the dead and a general judgment . "We believe that the punishment o f the wicked and the joys of the righteous will be eternal. "We believe . that no minister has the right to the administration of the ordinances but such as are ordained an d in order . “Rules of decorum : Each meeting to be opened by prayer and praise . Time moderator chosen at each meeting if necessary. "Visiting brethren invited to sit with us and have all the privileges o f the church but voting . The fellowship of the church inquired for . "References called for and attended to. "Doors of the church opened for the reception of members. "Voting on the reception of members. "Unfinished business , "Other business"
The old church book does not tell where Rev. John Gibson was born, but he was moderator of the church about 1864, and I believe he was an ordained minister then. His wife was Mary Mallie Lane, and I think they were married in Missouri. The first of the book seems to have been destroyed , but there are minutes of the meetings in Missouri from 1844, one of which reads thus : "The church met the first Saturday in July, 1852, and after worship proceeded to business . Brother John Gibson, Brother Edward Moss, Brother Alexander Powers, Brother Ambrose I. Stone, Brother John H. Powers, Brother Ruben G . Stone were chosen as delegates to bear their church letter to their next Baptist association, and that Brother John Gib - son write the letter and that we contribute two dollars for minutes printed . Then in August, 1853 . "the church sat itt conference, found to be in peace, opened her doors for reception of members and received Sister Mary Gibson by experience and baptism ; then appointed Edward Moss, ,James Gibson , Ambrose Stone and John Powers t o hear their letter to the association, an d Brother Wnt. Canslcr to prepare the letter. " The book states this was the last meeting that Brother John Gibson ever held in Missouri, and I drink h e carne to Texas that fall . Brother .Jint Causlcr was born January 20, 1810, in Pendleton District South Carolina, and as soon as he came to Missouri he and his beloved wife . Eliza, united with the Friendship Clement of' Pulaski county, Missouri, when they met the first Saturday in January, 1850, by letter and Brother r l'ansler was chosen church clerk at that time.
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Rev . John Gibson preached in Missouri trout 18486 until August, 1853, then he and his wife, Mary, and their children came to Texas and Settled on Pecan Creek in the southern part of what is now Llano county, but at tha t time, according to the church book, it was Burnet county. His home was about three miles west of the Colorad o river. Rev. R. G. Stone and family came t o Texas from Missouri with Rev. John Gibson and settled on Walnut Creek in Blanco county, about six miles from Rev. Gibson 's. At the time these sturdy pioneers came to Texas ther e was not a church and that region wa s so sparsely settled it was almost impossible to have a church, but they contented themselves until 1854, when a church was organized, and the first minutes entered in the old church boo k after they brought it from Missour i are as follows : "Burnet county, Texas, August , 1855. We the undersigned met in accordance with previous appointment a t Little Hope on the first Sabbath in August, A. D. 1855, and after an appropriate discourse by Elder Eldridge from Matt. 16-18, 'Thou art Peter, an d upon this rock I will build my churc h and the gates of hell shall not prevai l against it, ' we entered into a solemn covenant which is appended below, an d was organized into the church' by Elder Eldridge and John Gibson, according to the Baptist faith, with members as follows, : John Gibson and wife , Mary M. Gibson ; Joseph Bird and wife, Eliza Bird ; Ruben G . Stone and wife, Celia Stone ; Greenberry Lackey and wife., Polly ; Mary Gibson ."
The church being authorized, proceeded to business by appointing Elder Eldridge moderator and Rev . Bird clerk for the time being, and held a n election for moderator and clerk, an d elected Brother John Gibson moderator and Rev . Joseph Bird clerk . R . G . Stone was chosen deacon . This church must have been located on the east sid e of Walnut Creek in Blanco county, o n the Round Mountain and Fredericksburg road, near where the old Methodist church now stands . Ruben Gilmore Stone settled the place (wher e Charlie Haynes lived and reared hi s family on West Walnut) and Lane Gibson settled about a half mile up West Walnut creek from Rube n Stone ' s. Mr. Hickman Dunman lived down the creek a short distance . In August, 1856, a committee was appointed to see about a meeting house . Esquire Dunman said he would donate five acres of land on Walnut Creek for a church house. It seems the building was not erected for some time, as one of the minutes says in July, 1858, the committee reported that friend James Green, Jr ., agreed to let them have three acres of lan d on the place he bought from James Gibson, Jr., including the spring o n the hill, and that "we agree to build a house 18 feet wide by 24 feet long." The committee was Rev. John Gibson, Wm. Jolly and Wm. Cansler. This land was located on the property Lewi s Green afterward owned, but the Eblig brothers own it now. It is in the northwest corner of Blanco county. A minute written in January, 1859 , reads : "Saturday before the firs t Lord 's Day, January, 1859, church me t at Little Hope and decided to change the name of the church to Pecan Creek, Church." In February they met at Pecan Creek church and called Rev. John Gibson as pastor, so they must have moved from Walnut Creek to Pecan Creek, a distance of four miles. Rev. John Gibson preached all through that section. Their association extended from Austin to Sulphur Springs, now Lampasas, and he has a regular appointment at Oatmeal, in Burnet county, somewhere near Bertram . He walked almost everywhere he went.
The nearest post office was Oatmeal, a distance of 45 miles. My grandfather, James Gibson, lived near his brother, John Gibson, and my mother, Sarah Jane Gibson, then a young lady, corresponded with my father, G. W. A. Latham, who lived at Vienna, Missouri. My uncle would mail her letters at Oatmeal and bring her mail. While we only have an ac - count of his life from 1845 to 1859, h e must have endured great hardships, as he had a large wen on his back. He was a true pioneer minister and scattered seeds of loving deeds along the fertile fields where grain has grow n what he has sown and fruitful harvest yielded. He swam swollen streams , climbed rocky hills, walked through cedar brakes to meet his appointments. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord finds watching. We have not the exact date of Rev . John Gibson's death, but it must have been in July, 1859. The church book states that the Baptist Church of Christ met at Pecan Creek Saturday before the first Lord 's Day in September, 1859 ; and after divine service s there was offered by the moderator fo r the consideration of the church a pre - amble and resolutions, towit : "Whereas, the great Head of the Church has called our much beloved brother and pastor, John Gibson, from his station on the walls of Zion to his reward in heaven ; and whereas, one so devoted to the cause of Christ as a brother an d pastor we feel that we have sustained a great loss ; therefore, resolved, that in our bereavement we feel that our loss is irreparable, being deprived of one we so much loved for his deep piety and earnest zeal, but our loss is his gain ; resolved that notwithstanding our loss is so great, yet we bow in humble submission to the will of God , who in His wisdom has thus bereaved us. Resolved, that we tender to the family of our deceased brother our sincere sympathy and trust that the surviving members of the family may strive to imitate his pious example . Resolved that the foregoing preamble and resolutions be recorded in our church book and a copy be sent to the Texas Baptist with a request that it be published in the same. Read, received and adopted by the church . William Jolly, Moderator . Lewis L. Green, C. C. " Rev. John Gibson married Miss Mary Mallie Lane in Missouri, but I do not know what year. His wife , "Aunt Polly," as she was lovingly called, was a very devout christian and a great reader of her bible . They reared seven children . Aunt Polly was more than 90 years old when she was called to her reward . She helped to rear a number of her grandchildren .
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Lewis L. Green joined the Little Hope Baptist church by letter in October, 1858, and was elected clerk o f the church in July, 1859 ; was ordaine d a deacon in 1867 . He was married to Miss Mary Ann Gibson about 1860 . She was a daughter of Rev. John Gibson. Brother Green was a Confederate soldier and an old pioneer of Blanc o county. He was in a fight with Indian s at Spring Valley near the Perdenale s in Blanco county when George Hardeman .was killed. After he married he settled on Pecan Creek and one day while working in his field he saw some one riding into his field. He thought it was some of his neighbors coming to where he was ; he went to investigate and found a horse he had in the field was missing. Then he discovered that it was an Indian he had seen, and that Indian got his horse. In August, 1861, Miss Madeline Green, a sister to Lewis Green, joined the Pecan Creek church and was baptised by Rev . Joseph Bird . She married Samuel Richards, and both o f them were brave pioneers . Mrs. Richards lived about two miles north from her brother Lewis, and the Indian who stole Lewis' horse came riding near her house on the stolen animal and Mrs. Richards saw him ride into the brush. In August, 1865, the Pecan Creek church held a meeting on Cypress Creek and James Green, Sr ., and his wife, Nancy, were received into the church. Mrs. Nancy Green came t o Texas with Austin 's Colony about 1831. They were the parents of Lewis L. Green and Mrs . Richards. L. L. Green is now more than eighty year s old and lives at Phoenix, Arizona. Mrs. Richards lives at Mineral Wells, Tex .
In October, 1856, Mrs. Jemima Dunman, wife of Hickman Dunman, joined the Little Hope church on recommendation. In September, 1857, Lane L Gibson and wife, Betsy Ann Lambeth , united with the Little Hope Baptist church by experience and were baptised into the full fellowship of the church'. In October, 1857, William Gibson united with the church by letter . These were sons of Rev. John Gibson . In June, 1868, Mrs. William Gibson , who was Sarah Ann Haynes, joined the church . In September, 1857, James Gibson, Jr., and wife, Mary, were dismissed by letter and moved to Cook e county, Texas. James Gibson was killed by Indians in Cooke county. He, too, was a son of Rev . John Gibson .
At a protracted meeting at Little Hope in November, 1858, Joseph Hardin and Miss Irene Jolly presented themselves to the church for membership and were received and baptised . At a camp meeting on Cypress in 3859, four members, were received and baptised, Mary Ann Gibson, Jacob Finley, August Sockleman and Margaret Casner.
In September, 1860, Mary the colored servant of Hickman Dunman was received into the church by letter . This servant was bequeathed to ' Hickman Dunman by the will of Morning Majors, as was also another negro, Terrell . Mr. Dunman kept Mary as long as she lived . Terrell was killed by Indians in Llano county while he was out with an ox team . The oxen were not molested and they came on wit h the wagon and when near Mr. Dunman 's house they walked between two trees and the hubs of the wagon wheel s caught and held them fast. They were found the next day and unyoked from the wagon, but the wagon was never moved from the trees. Mary died at a ripe old age, and was buried beside Terrell at the Dunman and Hayne s cemetery on Walnut Creek, Llano county, Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. Hickman Dunman were early settlers in Llano county and good citizens . Their daughters married some of the pioneers of tha t county. Josephine married John B . Duncan ; Sarah Jane married C. P. Haynes ; Elizabeth married Dick Burr ; Belle married Levi Wight. William Dunman was an old time Texas Ranger a brave and fearless man. In October, 1855, William Jolly an d wife joined the church and in May , 1859, he was ordained to the ministry . Rev. John ,Gibson, Rev . Jacob C . Talley, Rev. Joseph Bird, George Morris and Rev. Isaacs composed the presbytery. Then in August, 1859, Rev . Jolly was called as pastor of the church, serving until May, 1860, when he resigned, and Rev . Joseph Bird was called as pastor, and he served until January , 1862. Sometime (luring the year o f 1861 the church must have given up the meeting place on Pecan Creek, in Blanco county, and moved over to the Cedar Creek school house in Llano county, near the old Slator place. Both places are now owned by Ebling brothers. At that time it was the Privett place.
We have no record of what the church did from January, 1862, until August, 1865 . That was during the gloomy Civil War period. In August, 1865, the Pecan Creek church held a protracted meeting on Cypress Cree k and received five members, James Green and wife, Nancy, Mr. Click and wife, and Louisa Casner, into the fellowship of the Pecan Creek Church . There is no record of the church between 1865 to May, 1867 . The second Sunday in May, 1867, the church cal - led Rev. Rucker as pastor and they had preaching by a Rev . Randolph. The second Sunday in June, 1867, letters of dismission were granted to Rev . R. G. Stone and wife, and they went further west to preach the gospel o f peace . In July, 1867, Lewis Green was ordained as a deacon . In those days there were Rev. Quillian, Rev . Randolph and Rev. Brown, and also Rev. Dolahite of Dripping Springs, who would preach for them some times, but Rev. George Rucker was pastor from May, 1867, t o December, 1869.
There were no minutes from December, 1869, to October , 1871, but in that month a protracte d meeting was held at the old Cedar Creek school house, which was then called Pecan Creek church, and a number of people attended and camped on the ground, among them being Uncle Sanford Backues and Uncle Wiley Fowler of Love Creek, Rev. Bird of Round Mountain, Lewis Green, Dir . Richards, Uncle John Backues and my mother and her children . I believe m y father was in Kansas at that time. Some of the Sirugarts from Roun d Mountain were there, and the Phillipses also attended the meeting. Rev. Bird, Rev. Bell, and perhaps Revs . Tally and Rucker helped in the preaching, as well as Rev. John Gibson's widow. There were four additions to the church', John Keeney Backues, G. Wash Gibson, Sarah J . Latham, and Elizabeth Dunham were accepted and baptised by Rev. Joseph Bird in Pecan Creek . The minutes said they had quite a refreshing shower from the Lord. Rev. Joseph Bird In December, 1871, J. K. Backues was elected clerk and in February, 1872, Rev. Joseph Bird was called as pastor.
I am sure that during all these years when there were no records made of the meetings Rev. Bird was preaching occasionally for them . He was like a faithful horse, if he could not work on one side of the harness he would work on the other. He was 188 FRONTIER TIMES always ready to do whatever he could . The fourth Sabbath in February , 1872, Rev . Montgomery Bell preached, and R. G. Stone was ordained to the ministry, and C. Lane Gibson was ordained as a deacon . Rev. Gilmore Stone and wife, Celia, Brother Lan e Gibson and wife, Sarah Ann, called for their letters so they could organize a church over on Squaw Creek in Gillespie county . Rev. R. G. Stone was pastor and Lane Gibson was a deacon o f the new Squaw Creek church. The records show that the church met at Pecan Creek in April, 1872 . Sister Elizabeth Gibson joined the church . She was Grandpa Gibson' s third wife, and her name before Grandpa married her was Mrs . Elizabeth Rix. John Backues was church clerk from December 1871 to May , 1873. Rev. Bird and Rev . Bell preached some for them and they would often meet and have prayer meeting a t their homes Lewis Green often conducted these services, and sang wit h that great wonderful voice of his . One of the songs which he enjoyed singing was "The Old Ship of Zion . John Backues was my mothers ' step-brother . His first wife was Miss Sally Gibson, daughter of Rev. John Gibson. She died in 1867 and left him with four little children . He afterward married Miss Eliza Stone, daughter o f Rev. R . G. Stone.
Some of the members of the church were among the earliest pioneers of the country, but their names are o n the list of members, among them being Greenberry Lackey and wife, Polly Shugart, Sarah Privett, Louisa Casner, Maria L. Holdman, and Marie E. Holdman. Sometime during the year 1867 John Green and his mother united with the church and sometime after that William Green and wife joined . In October, 1869, John Green, William Green and wife, and James Green wer e dismissed by letter. Mr. Cady was baptised and granted a letter , the same day. John Green's wife 's maiden name was Miss Belle Harrington . John K. Backues was a brave and fearless man . He killed an Indian in the noted fight on the head of Cypress in Blanco county, Texas . He died in February, 1874 . Ilis brother, Sanfor d Backues, shown in the accompanying picture, was also an Indian fighter an d a good citizen. Sanford Backues died in February, 1875, just one year after his brother died . Sanford Backues and John Backues We had church services at intervals at the old Pecan Creek Church and Cedar Creek School House until as lat e as 1877, but there were no minutes kept of the proceedings. Rev James M. Moore, a Presbyterian minister, who taught our school, would often preach. Rev. Moore married Miss Bettie Moss in Llano county, and afterwards became County Judge. We had no services in a church house for about six years, but as far as we know these are the names of the members of the church when it was discontinued : Jemima Dunman and daughter, Elizabeth ; James Gibson, Sr ., and wife , Elizabeth Gibson ; Lewis Green an d wife, Mary Ann Green ; Mrs. Madeleue Richards ; G. Wash . Gibson and wife, Sarah J. Gibson ; Mrs. Sarah J. Latham.
About 1877 others had died or received letters or were excluded . In the autumn of 1880 the citizens of Pecan Creek community built a good school house . Those who took part in this good work were Samuel Richards , M. R. Sheppard, Mrs . Sanford Backues Wash Gibson, Ben Gibson, Uncle Jimmie Gibson, G. W. A. Latham, J . V. Latham, Dr. V . C. Latham, V . G. Latham, Jr., William Latham, Benjamin Phillips, H . T. Duncan, Hick L . Tate, J . H . Cherry, F. Yeast, Ralph Haynes and George Haynes. Others who did not live in the community but who helped in the work were J . P. Smith and C. P. Haynes of Walnut, Samuel Tate and sons of the Sandy Mountain community, and the Hardins, and Crownovers , Code Phillips, William Strickland and Frank Waldrope . Then on the 10th day of April, 1881 , the following persons met at the Pecan Creek School House and covenanted together to live in a church capacity, : James Gibson, Marion Crownover and wife, Emma J. Crownover ; Mrs . G. W . A. Latham, G . Wash. Gibson and W. G. Ridge, and were then acknowledged by the following presbytery : Elder Dan E. Moore of Willow City, Elde r Joseph Bird, Wm . Cansler, Deacon Willie Grisham of Round Mountain . They adopted the covenant and articles of faith of the Perdenales Baptist Association. Then the church met in conference, when George W. A. Latham was received by experience .
By motion of Brother John Gibson the church was named "Macedonia. " Later Rev. James Bell was called a s pastor. He did not respond, and Rev . Bird supplied . In every time of nee d he was always willing to help . On the fourth Saturday in September, 1881, David Strickland was received by letter and Mrs. David Strickland and Annie Latham Cherry were approved for baptism. On the next day, Sunday, Rev. R. J. McNeil preached and in the afternoon Sisters Strickland and Cherry were baptised in Pc - can Creek by Rev. Joseph Bird . On the fourth Lord 's Day in October, 1881, Rev. R. J. McNeil was chosen pastor of the Macedonia Baptist church. At a camp meeting at Flat Rock Springs, Burnet country, September 19, 1881, Butler Hardin was receive d by experience and baptised by Bro . Isaac Sellars. Butler Hardin came from Tennessee when a young man and married Miss Rufina Crownover. They were pioneers of Blanco and Mason counties, reared eleven honorable children and stood for the best and the things that were worth most in this life . A number of the Macedonia Church people attended the Baptist association at Round Mountain in August, 1882, and enjoyed the fellowship of a number of churches. Rev. McNeil served the church abou t one year, and then Rev. Hillyer was called as pastor.
They had meetin g most every month and were a faithful few until the Lord came with refreshing showers from above. At a camp meeting at Flat Rock Springs, Burnett county, August 1 , 1883, Dr. V. G. Latham and wife, Nancy, Latham (parents of G. W. A . Latham), were received into the fellowship of the Macedonia Baptis t church and were baptized by Rev . Win. Jordan. At the same meeting Miss Rosa Tate was received into the Macedonia church and baptized by Rev. Jordan. Church met at Macedonia secon d Lord 's Day in October, 1883, Preaching by Bro. Bird. G. G. Hardin unite d with the church on recommendation and his daughter, Mrs . A. Hasseltim e Crownover, united by letter . James C. Hardin and wife, Melissie Phillips Hardin, Miss Cynthia Hardin (Butler Hardin 's daughter) James Buie and wife, Vina Crownover Buie, and Thomps M . Gibson were received into the church by experience and was baptized the same day in Pecan Creek by Rev . Joseph Bird into the full fellowship o f the church . Richard Pope and his wife, Josephine, united with Macedonia Baptist church on this same day . Richard Pope afterwards became a Baptist preacher and his wife Josephine was a great help to him as they have traveled as missionaries in Texas, New Mexico , Arizona . They are now located i n California .
On the second Lord 's Day May 1884, G. W. A. Latham was elected to the office of Deacon and ordained the same day, Rev. Beall and Rev. Joseph Bird the presbytery . In July, 1884, Rev. Wm. Harman, a young Baptist minister, preached a t Macedonia. Among others who united with the Macedonia Baptist church during the year 1884 nearly all were children o f the old pioneers, the Hardins, Richards, Haynes, Gibsons, Ropers, Dun - mans, Latham, Yoast, Cherry, and Colliers . Others who came in later were Mrs . R. L. Tate, daughter of G : W. A . Latham ; Mrs. Fannie Tate Lee, Lev i Wight and his wife, who was Miss Bell Dunman ; John T. Hallford and wife , Millie Phillips Hallford ; John L . Barnes, Alonzo Killgore and wife an d daughters ; Theodore Alexander an d wife ; the Ilattons,°the Pattersons an d Mr. C. P. Tuberville. Mrs. Annie S. Hardin united with the Macedonia Baptist church September, 1886. She was the wife of G. Wash . Hardin and daughter of Rev . Arter Crownover and a sister to Mrs . Butler Hardin. Rev. Crownover moved with his family from Fayette county to Wight ' s Creek in Blanco county in an earl y day. He brought some negroes with him. One night the dogs got after something and it ran up a tree . The negroes went to see what the dog s were barking at and they discovered that it was a large panther .
Camp meetings were held in August , 1884, at Flat Rock Springs in Burnet County, at Moore 's Chapel in Llano county, and at Wolf's Crossing in Burnet county. A number of profession s were made at these meetings and several converts united with the Macedonia Baptist church . Among them were Robert W. Hardin, Ben M . Gibson, Ralph W . Haynes and John Roper , who were old pioneers and Indians fighters. Ralph Haynei and Ben Gibson were in the fight with the Indians , on Cypress Creek in Blanco county . Robert W. Hardin, Ben Gibson and John Roper were with the company of people who were going to California from Blanco county, Texas, in 1869 . And were attacked by the Indians on the Pecos river, when Silas Gibson was killed by the Indians . Robert Hardin's wife, who was Mrs. Deborah Gibson Phillips, was with the emigrants when her brother, Silas Gibson, was killed . She united with the church when her husband did and also their daughter , Effie Hardin, who was one of the emigrants. They returned to Texas, from California in 1874 . These meetings were held by Rev. Jacob Talley, Rev . Hallford and Johnson at Wolf's Crossing . At Flat Rock, by Rev. Isaac Sellars, John A . Arbuckle, Rev . McFlory and Rev . Joseph Bird, and the ever faithful layman , Wm. Cansler was present. Rev. Barton and Cal Malloy Methodist ministers, conducted the Moore's Chapel meeting where my uncle Hiram T. Duncan and wife, Harriet Gibson, were converted.
Hiram T. Duncan was reared around old Packsaddle Mountain, where the last Indian fight was fought in Llano county, and the men who were wounded in the fight were brought to his uncle, John Duncan 's, residence on Honey Creek in Llano county, Hiram T. Duncan was one of the men, I think , who rode to Llano town that night after a doctor, for the wounded . Church met at Macedonia, Sept . 1885, on the 4th Lord's Day . Preaching by Rev. E. K. Branch. Brethren R. W. Hardin and Dr . V. G. Latham were ordained as deacons of the church. Eld. Branch and Deacon G . W. A. Latham composed the presbytery . In October, 1891, G . W. A. Latham was ordained to the ministry and Be n Major Gibson was ordained as Deacon . Rev. C. M. Hornburg, Joseph Bird an d Rev. Henry Allsup composed the presbytery. Rev. G. W. A. Latham was pastor for the Macedonia Baptist church for about two years, and if the regular pastor was absent he would always tr y to fill the pastor 's place. He preached at Honey Creek in Llano county and at Comanchie Creek in Blanco county . He moved to New Mexico in 1898 and settled in the Sacramento Mountains where he preached for some time . On October 7, 1908, he and his beloved wife, Sarah Jane Latham, with their many friends and neighbors, celebrated their golden wedding at Mountain Park Baptist church. This is the photograph of them made at their golden wedding. The vest that my father has on is the one he married in and as h e was much larger at his golden wedding than he was when he married he said that he had to have side boards put into his vest so he could wear it to his golden wedding . The waist and cape that my mother has on, she was married in them. My father and mothe r were married sixty-eight years whe n my mother passed away, May 23, 1917. G. W. A. Latham and Wife In 1910, he moved with his family, t o Alamogordo N . M., and while he was not physically able to preach, he attended church regularly until hi s death February 17, 1924.
For more early Llano County Texas History see:
How Llano Came Into its Own
Indian Days of Llano County
Masonic Lodge Uncovers History of Llano
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